Friday, July 19, 2013



STEM Camp News 

Dear Parents,

Week two of STEM camp at GEMS is coming to a splashing end!  We have been knee deep in to the study of how things float.  Buoyancy and water displacement were new vocabulary words that we wrapped our head around. Students experimented with boat designs that could hold the most weight and stay afloat.  Given a sheet of tinfoil students needed to create a boat that would hold as many people (washers) as possible.  Many students felt success with their improve stage design!

We then looked at the data that came from each design and did some comparing of the differences between our first design and our second design.  Lots of math brains were hard at work!

Next week is our last week of camp and we are planning a culminating event. On Thursday we are planning an event that requires each child have a bathing suit, water shoes or sandals, a towel and sun protection.  If you have any questions please call MJ at school at 524-6358


Have a wonderful weekend!