Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Science update!

Today some of the older students explored density. Different types of liquids (such as honey, water, oil etc) are able to separate themselves when poured into one container and can to hold small objects (such as a bead air corn kernel) in a certain layer depending on its density.

Some of our youngest students are busy designing boats that will support a load of washers. The challenge is however that they have limited materials to build these boats with AND they are working with partners which means they must compromise on their boat design.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Come sail away

With the last week of STEM camp at GEMS already here, students are taking what they have learned about boat design, buoyancy, water displacement, surface tension, and different building materials to design their final boats. Some boats are being designed to carry a larger load of pennies, some boats are being designed to move on their own with sails and wind, and some boats are even being designed to float for a certain amount of time, then sink, like a submarine!

Friday, July 19, 2013



STEM Camp News 

Dear Parents,

Week two of STEM camp at GEMS is coming to a splashing end!  We have been knee deep in to the study of how things float.  Buoyancy and water displacement were new vocabulary words that we wrapped our head around. Students experimented with boat designs that could hold the most weight and stay afloat.  Given a sheet of tinfoil students needed to create a boat that would hold as many people (washers) as possible.  Many students felt success with their improve stage design!

We then looked at the data that came from each design and did some comparing of the differences between our first design and our second design.  Lots of math brains were hard at work!

Next week is our last week of camp and we are planning a culminating event. On Thursday we are planning an event that requires each child have a bathing suit, water shoes or sandals, a towel and sun protection.  If you have any questions please call MJ at school at 524-6358


Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 18, 2013's hot!

Students ate their snack together and found a great way to stay cool :)

"What'd you say"

An integral part of education, as well as being a contributing member of society, is having the ability and " know how" to work well with others, collaborate, express your own thoughts, and listen respectively to others. Throughout summer camp students have had the opportunity numerous times to share their thinking, make group decisions, and collaborate with peers. Whether it be a decision for the next activity during movement time or through the analysis and discussion of group data. Children have lots to say and everyone is doing a fantastic job working well together!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hula Hoops, Chicken, Coconuts and Monkeys

    Hula Hoop Challenge

    Save the Chicken!

    Coconut Island

Buoyancy and water displacement...

Over the past two days, STEM Campers have been learning about boats that are designed to carry heavy loads of objects. Buoyancy and water displacement were very important to consider while the students constructed their boats. Watching their peers test their own boats gave them ideas during the re-design process of the Tin Foil Boat Float experiment!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Testing,testing 1 2

Grade 1/2 worked on testing and improving sailboats.  We recorded in our notebooks our designs and redesigns and looked in books for more ideas about boat shapes and designs.    We were introduced to the concepts of buoyancy and water displacement with Bill Nye.  Tomorrow we will have further study of those two concepts.  Here is a peek at our designs.